Voltaire said, “Common sense is not so common.” In baseball and in business too many of us take the path of least resistance and just accept things versus observing and researching to understand what is the right answer or the right way. Common sense tells us observation is the objective word here! So, spend a little time observing what works, and what doesn’t. Especially when the law of average is stated as a common sense observation?
With that said, isn’t the better question, “how many of us have common sense, yet we don’t take advantage of it?”
May I suggest we all take time to observe, then combined Common Sense with knowledge and I believe it won’t be long before we will become intuitive about the task at hand. Increasing our chances to become a Winner. So, instead of wasting Common Sense, be like Henry and take advantage of it.
Henry Ford stated, “…Most people get ahead during the time that other’s waste.” So instead of wasting it, use your Common Sense and maybe you will be the next Johnny Damon!
Until next blog, use deodorant!
Al McCormick