Character is an interesting word.
- It’s easy enough to define.
- It’s recognizable when we witness it.
- And, Character makes us feel good when we describe someone who has it.
Yet, in business it is one of those traits that is unfortunately UNIQUE.
Is it because Character describes traits associated with mental and moral qualities that are distinctive? Traits associated to being ethical? Why is that so tough?
Why is CHARACTER a label we only use to define… another person?
Why isn’t CHARACTER a title we use to describe people we work for?
Why isn’t CHARACTER a title we use to describe people we work with?
Why isn’t CHARACTER a title we use to describe US?
I argue it is a sign of insecurity. After all humility is a tough pill to swallow when you are insecure. It’s not due to lack talent. It is more about our inability to share or reveal what we are thinking. We are scared to death someone may have a better idea or we don’t know something.
We do not trust the individuals that we should have the greatest trust in. A lack of trust that has evolved due to lack of caring. Think about it. We spend zero time getting to know our colleagues. Sure, we know what we expect, almost demand from them, but we really don’t know them.
We don’t know where they come from, what is going on in their life today or in their dreams; their hobbies or what’s in their bucket list. Heck, try and identify exactly where the majority of your colleagues live, how many kids they have, their parents, … the list goes on-and-on. Without that, how can we ever expect to get their best.
We have created a workplace filled with uncertainty just because we are scared. Too scared to show humility and take the time to ask for their opinion, share what is going on, ask what if? A workplace defined by our actions. Actions that promotes the philosophy, ‘you don’t care what they think, then why should they ever give more than what you ask for?’
Life is too short to be defined as someone who is INSECURE.
BE that someone who is defined with CHARACTER!
The choice is YOURS.
Be like Ric Elias is today; you may not be given a second chance.
Until next Blog, be accountable, be humble, be kind and you will always be identified as someone who has CHARACTER.
Al McCormick